The Complete Guide to Starting Your Own Podcast in 2023 If you're ready to start your own podcast but don't know where to start. We'll walk you through this 6-step guide to get you started without a second thought. 1. Scheduling the podcast 1.1 Choose a podcast niche The first step in creating a podcast is defining a niche . interesting to you and that you are always ready to discuss whenever the opportunity arises. It could be music, storytelling, book reviews, technology, sales and marketing, passion, business, and pretty much anything you feel comfortable talking about.
Remember that any podcast idea you choose to podcast should be broad enough to cover us phone number list at least 100 or so episodes. At the same time, it should not be too general to connect with a specific audience. For example, if you want to talk about finances, you have to choose between stock market trends, savings schemes, spending principles or insurance. 1.2 Name of Podcast It's important to give your podcast a unique name. Why? People tend to remember rare and exotic names. However, make sure it's a little more specific by adding other words that show what it's about. For example, there is an Apple podcast about paddling with the strange name "The Joy of SUP".
Here, SUP stands for stand-up paddleboarding. This name is not only unique, but also descriptive, fun and easy to remember. Name Your Podcast( Image source) 1.3 The three most important "W" questions to ask yourself Before you start creating your podcast, you should be familiar with the following questions: Why are you starting a podcast? A goal should be good enough to keep you motivated and persistent in your podcasting journey. What results do you expect from this podcast? The reasons may vary from person to person, but they can range from generating business leads, building credibility, generating passive income, and many others.