Below is the site map page of our company "X Server". ▼X server site map page▼ X server site map page Note that the lead to the site map page is often placed in the footer (the bottom part of the homepage), and our "X Server" also provides it. ▼X server footer▼ x server footer There are three main benefits to creating a sitemap page: Three benefits of creating a site map page Can determine whether the information the user is looking for is available Users can quickly navigate to the desired page Google (search engine) can expand its crawl range If a user gets lost while browsing the homepage, if there is a site map page, it will be obvious at a glance what kind of pages there are . Not only can you determine whether the information you are looking for is available, but you can also access the desired page immediately.
In other words, the sitemap page also has the role of preventing users from leaving the homepage . In addition, sitemap pages can be crawled by the search engine Google. A navigation page is a simple page on your site that displays the structure of your website, typically consisting of a hierarchical list of pages on your site. if they cannot find a page on your site. Search engines also visit this page to extend their crawling of pages on your site, but primarily Find Your Mobile Number List for human visitors. (Citation: Google Search Central “Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Starter Guide” ) memo In order for your homepage to be found by search users, it needs to be indexed (registered) by Google.
In order for Google to index your website, you first need to have your website crawled. Although the sitemap page is primarily for users, keep in mind that Google also uses it as a reference. Sitemap file (file that tells search engines about the structure) A sitemap file is a file that tells search engines such as Google the structure of your homepage . The "XML format" is mainly used, and the following code is written in the file. Google Search Central "Creating and submitting a sitemap" ) Google states that a sitemap file may be required in the following cases: -The size of the site is very large. - Your site has a large archive of content pages that aren't linked anywhere or aren't linked properly. -The site is new and has few external links.