This does not require special skills or deep knowledge; it is enough to master the functionality at a normal user level. The step-by-step process of creating a website layout in Photoshop looks like this: We create a document of the required size We start by clicking on “File” and “Create” specifying the field parameters. We recommend increasing the size by more than 200 pixels to fully match the actual page size. Turn on the rulers and activate the grid in the areas intended for them will appear on the sheet.
These lines will disappear on the finished layout. We are giving a discount of 60% on training “Web designer” until March 10 In just 9 months you can get a job with an income of 150000 rubles Book a discount Selecting an image or color palette for the Benin WhatsApp Number background The easiest option is to give the background an even shade using the “Fill” button. Pictures based on the theme of the site look more advantageous. Add a company logo using a standard tool. Forming the top menu . After setting the ruler click on “Rectangular area” and select a place along the ruler.
Select a suitable color click on the “Fill” button thereby painting the previously selected area. Then deselect: “Select” – “Deselect”. After that select “Horizontal Text” and the font. By clicking on the shaded area we give names to the menu sections. If necessary move the text to the desired place. Then create a layer click on “Line” press Shift and use a vertical line to divide the background of the menu. Only until 14.03 Download a selection of materials to be guaranteed to find a job in IT in 14 days List of documents: TOP 100 job search sites from GeekBrains 20 professions in 2023 with an income of 150000 rubles Checklist “How to successfully pass an interview”