We spoke with Estrella Martín, a member of the Canary Islands tax advisors association, about the benefits of teaching boys and girls what taxes are for. Estrella Martín, a member of the Canary Islands tax advisors association, considers it "fundamental" to instill in children, from the earliest age, what it means to pay a tax and what that money is used for: "What is not known, is not "it is valued." He points out that this early education can make people more responsible with public goods and also make them more demanding with public policies to ensure that money is used for what it is intended for. Likewise, it positively values informing users what public services, such as medical or educational services, cost, because that would contribute to their being valued more and making better use of them. Defense of the REF He considers that the Economic and Fiscal Regime (REF) is not in danger, because it is recognized in the Constitution itself and in the Statute of Autonomy, "but it is necessary to constantly fight so that it is not violated."New techniques at the service of appearance care Hair removal consultation at Ikigai By Hospitales Universitarios San Roque Hair removal consultation at Ikigai By Hospitales Universitarios San Roque We spoke with Esmeralda Mateo, aesthetic technician at Ikigai by Hospitales Universitarios San Roque, about the various treatments to reduce fat and gain smoothness and luminosity in the face.
Ikigai by San Roque University Hospitals puts the latest techniques in aesthetic treatments at the service of citizens through a whole battery of new technologies aimed at improving the appearance of men and women. One of these treatments is radiofrequency, in which, through heat, smoother skin is achieved by reducing cellulite and preventing sagging. Additionally, it can prepare the skin WhatsApp Number List for some surgical interventions. Cryolipolysis achieves similar results, but it does so through cold, destroying fat cells with a session at -8 degrees for seventy minutes. It can be used in different areas of the body where fat is located and where it is more difficult to eliminate. In general, these treatments are usually indicated for all people, except for some contraindications. Lipomassage and hydrafacial cleansing Another of the most popular treatments is LPG, a deep therapeutic lipo massage to reduce adipose tissue. It is completely painless and can be combined with one of the most popular: hydrafacial cleansing, which, without side effects, is suitable for any skin type, except for those who suffer from inflammatory acne. Results are achieved from the first day, in which the skin looks fresher and more luminous. It is advisable to do it every month. Esmeralda Mateo recommends performing laser treatments before summer, because it is not advisable to sunbathe in the days after the intervention.

The Canary Islands participate in Wind Europe 2023 in Copenhagen Wind Europe 2023 | Photo: Government of the Canary Islands Wind Europe 2023 | Photo: Government of the Canary Islands Nicolás Quintana, president of Atiren-Connavalte, points out that this is a very important meeting to learn about the latest developments in wind energy and establish contacts with potential partners. A large representation of Canarian companies are participating these days in the Wind Europe fair held in Copenhagen. This is a very important event to meet potential partners and access technological developments in the offshore wind energy sector, according to Nicolás Quintana, president of Atiren-Connavalte and the association of ship repair companies of Tenerife. More than four hundred agents from all over Europe gather at the fair, from wind turbine manufacturers to companies related to assembly and maintenance, as well as public entities. Among them are a very significant representation of Canarian companies. Great opportunity for the ship repair sector Quintana points out that a large part of the future of the Canarian industry lies in offshore wind energy and "we could not miss the opportunity to interact with the significant number of agents who gather and learn about the latest technologies." The importance of the development of offshore wind energy for the naval repair sector is highlighted, since existing companies can direct a large part of their activity to assembly work, not only of the mills, but also of the pontoons, which will require all types of jobs in the value chain. Added to this is the significant traffic of service vessels, which will be here for a number of years.