Extensions to our model accommodate the possibilities of multiple voucher purchases and firm price re optimization. Despite the potential benefits of online discount vouchers to certain firms in certain circumstances our analysis reveals the narrow conditions in which vouchers are likely to increase firm profits. Publisher s link benedelman publications groupon .pdf pdf AUGUST ORGANIZATIONS IN TIME HISTORY THEORY METHODS Schumpeter s Plea Historical Reasoning in.
Entrepreneurial Theory and Research By Jones Geoffrey and R. Daniel Chinese Overseas America Number Data Wadhwani ABSTRACT—This chapter draws on theories of entrepreneurship and history to explore the ways in which historical processes play an integral role in entrepreneurship. It builds off the plea by Joseph Schumpeter for an active exchange between historical approaches and theories of entrepreneurship and its role in the process of historical change. Sadly the field of entrepreneurship as it has evolved in recent decades has become narrow and is often confined to little more than econometric testing of large datasets concerning high tech entrepreneurs in the United States. This chapter makes the case for the study of entrepreneurship to become bold again and transformational through re engagement with history.
Historical theories of time context and change are applied to entrepreneurship theory to demonstrate how they illuminate aspects of the entrepreneurial process that traditional social science reasoning about behavior and cognition miss. foundation for a turn towards historicism in entrepreneurial studies which is already partly underway. The authors stress that the path will not be easy but that the prize will be a richer and deeper understanding of entrepreneurship and how it shapes and reshapes the modern world.