We will list below the mental processes that lead to the creation of the search message typed on Google:
The person needs an answer, precise information or a solution to his problems;
Before typing it into Google, the person tries to summarize his need in a concise concept, with as few words as possible;
Entering the query into the engine;
Scrolling through the results on the first page (more rarely, on the second and third);
Click on the chosen result that, from bw lists the title and meta description, contains the most accurate information and answers your question;
Finding a solution;
If dissatisfied, the person will return to the search engine, at point 4, or will perform a new search query, returning to point 2.
Point 2 is therefore particularly important for both the consumer and the seller, and be able to promote content that can provide satisfactory answers. This search must be specific, as explained in the article on long keywords , and at the same time simple , that is, formulated in a language that is not too technical and that the customer may not be aware of.