In conclusion, it should be assumed that the additional payment of the health insurance contribution from the annual settlement after Summary The settlement of underpayment and overpayment of the annual health insurance premium has not been regulated directly in any regulation, hence the dilemmas we wrote about today. This raises certain concerns regarding the principles of income tax settlement in such cases. Settlement after changing the form of taxation may be particularly controversial and troublesome.
There are no regulations that would dispel the doubts of entrepreneurs and accountants. Today's publication discusses this topic based on previous findings, but Blood donation and ZUS contributions Donating phone number list blood does not affect ZUS contributions for either eTo, multiply the amount of blood donated annually, expressed in liters, by constant indicator . Tax relief for blood donors is available to employees and enterprises taxed on general terms and on a lump sum basis. It will not be settled by companies subject to a flat tax. mployees or entrepreneurs. Both the employee and the person running a business are subject to social insurance during this time, even though they do not perform their professional duties on that day or the next day.
An entrepreneur has the option of not paying ZUS only for the period of suspension of business activity. However, if the activity is suspended for a few days a month, the social security contributions are paid proportionally - for those days on which the activity was not suspended. The health insurance contribution is payable for the entire month, in the full amount, regardless of how many days in the month the activity was suspended. Blood tax deduction Donating blood is a donation for public benefit purposes and can be deducted in the annual PIT.