A very interesting trick to increase the number of visits is for the same person to visit more than one article or section within your website. If I enter one of your articles and leave, I will have only seen one page; but if I go from one article to another, and then to another, and then to another... there I am giving you many visits when in principle it was only going to be one. This is achieved by improving the flow of user behavior, which is based on linking to other URLs that are related and that may be of interest to the user. Link to related articles In an online store you can put links to related products, so that people click on them and continue seeing more of the catalog than they had planned.
In a blog, you can include internal links to related Special Database articles that can complement the reading. For example, if I tell you that I have a post about how to sell more , you will surely be interested and click on the link, getting another visit. This will also help Googlebot crawl your content better, since it follows links, and will be able to find all the URLs more easily, going from one link to another.With this Beginner's Guide I hope to teach you step by step how Twitter works and how you should start using it. It is designed for beginners and novices in this tool, with the aim that they know the most basic aspects of Twitter and begin to use it to improve their professional account.
Table of Contents [ Hide ] What is Twitter? What is Twitter for? How does Twitter work? Basic Tips for Twitter basic mistakes on Twitter Basic Tools for Twitter Conclusions from the Beginner's Guide to Twitter Other Twitter posts that might interest you What is Twitter? Twitter is a free microblogging web application, and therefore brings together the advantages of blogs, social networks and instant messaging. This new form of communication allows you to connect with people with similar interests or hobbies, and instantly access the publications they make.