About how important video marketing is, but even more important is embracing all of the places you can use video in your ecommerce marketing efforts. What better way to make your products come to life than with video?The best way to do this is by simply including a linkable image with a play button (which resembles a video) in your email that then links to your website where the video lives.
Why? Many email providers do not allow for in-email video playback. And why not? Configuring it Egypt Phone Number List this way gets your shoppers one click closer to purchase.ecommerce email marketing thumbnail video example6. Make each subscriber feel specialAs we have been discussing, it is so critical for ecommerce marketers to stand out. Another great way to do this is by making your email subscribers feel truly valued and special.
There are many ways to do so, but one great way is through special offers and deals. For instance, check out the example below from Fabletics.VIP offer from FableticsDue to my “VIP” status, they offered a pair of leggings for only $10—what a steal! Finding fun ways to do things like this for your business will not only help you convert customers through email, but it can also help you create returning and even loyal customers.7. Instill FOMO in subscribers with a limited-time offerWho gets FOMO when they are invited to an event they cannot attend because you end up sick at home or have another obligations.