A key metric for investment optimization Growing competition on the market helps companies accurately allocate financial resources and make strategic business decisions. In the retail sector, it supports the assessment of the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and promotions, adapting the sales strategy to customer needs. analysis is a versatile tool that is used in many industries, helping companies make more informed investment decisions and optimize their activities. Summary In summary, although is used to assess the social profitability of marketing projects and initiatives, there is a need to acknowledge its limitations.
It is worth noting that this is a general tool that does not take into account phenomena such as the time effect and additional costs related to the implementation of a marketing strategy, including employee wages or technology-related costs. Do you Saudi Arabia WhatsApp Number want to scale your What are loyalty programsCase studies of loyalty programs how do loyalty programs influence purchasing decisionsWhat are the benefits of loyalty programsWhat should an e-commerce loyalty program be likeEamples of loyalty programs in Poland and around the world Summary Loyalty programs in e-commerce Acquiring new customers and at the same time ensuring that the eisting ones do not leave is the basic task of every trading company.

The second task is even more important because acquiring new customers is more epensive and time-consuming than retaining those already acquired. This is clearly shown by the data from the Affde portal - the chances of selling products to a new customer range from to , while to an eisting one they range from to . One of the most effective ways to build commitment is loyalty programs. The first one was created in the United States in... , but their importance began to be appreciated only in the s, when research on establishing relationships between the seller and the .