Step - Scan device or computer: Upper part of a program contains the process bar that will show the recovery status. Next to a bar, stop and Pause option will be there. The pause button permits user to pause the scan temporarily and resume it afterwards. Below, the process bar, estimated remaining time and scan statue will show the process in terms of the percentage. Technically the initial scan can be very fast and this software program first lists all data, which are deleted. A pop up screen will remember the user to utilize the Deep Scan for the further files retrieve, after user can avail the first result from a scan.
Deep scan process can be utilized in following two situations: from a first scan The retrieved files are not opening correctly Belgium WhatsApp Number By selecting deep scan at left bottom, this software program can perform the new sector by the sector scan that will take more time than first scan. While software doing this process, user must be patient and they should not interrupt it in-between the process unless it required. Step Recover the files: The result of the scan can be divided into three parts. Left option is the Directory Tree list that provides three methods such as path, time and types.
The middle window will display all types of files along with folders and below the folder left window contains lots of information. A Right side window displays the thumbnail and information for the selected file in a middle window. It renders the preview option in order to preview some specific data types in a program. After the search or preview, user can choose the targeted data and have to press recover button. Then, they can save them on the storage device or computer. Most important thing is user should not save the data into the device or drive where they lost the data.