Or there are the “exotic domains” with new domain endings (.shop or .bayern). While I think that the .com domain is still acceptable in some areas, I think that all other endings should be avoided. Why? Well, if you don't get the .de domain in your area, then someone else already has it. And the more popular you make your company, the more this person will benefit from your popularity. Even worse: sooner or later he/she may become a competitor or one of your competitors buys the domain name and then has the .de version of your company name.e domain the most. Think about it: [poll id=“66″] Which of these results would you most likely click on.
Click rates on different versions of a domain show a clear result: .de domains are India Car Owner Phone Number List clicked on much more frequently in Germany than .com domains. And in other countries it is even clearer: .at domains have a huge advantage in Austria. It's also clear: Austrians are tired of constantly having German online shops (with high shipping costs) in the search results and are really happy when there is someone who is also located directly in Austria. And since hreflang was introduced, it is no longer a disadvantage internationally if you have several different domains. 4. No hyphens, no numbers – and umlauts? My firm belief is that in many cases numbers and hyphens make the company name sound somehow “cheap”.
Therefore, avoid hyphens and numbers as much as possible. Normally you only use this if you actually want “the” keyword domain for your topic, but it is already taken. Instead of Luftmatratzen.de you get Luftmatratzen-Shop.de or Luftmatratzen24. In my opinion, it is better to completely avoid the keyword in the name before using -shop.de, -24.de or even -guenstig.de. The only exception: Spirits-Superbillig or now, for some unknown reason, a .com domain. The name has now become a brand name, similar to Ab-in-den-Urlaub However, these domains were successful despite , not because of the hyphen. For umlaut domains you should have all possible versions. So not just Olive Oil.de, but also Olive Oil.de.