The trend here is very clear the IT decisionmaker expects your Marketing strategy to offer him objective content that really helps him in his purchasing considerations. of IT decisionmakers appreciate consulting expert opinions and feedback when considering their purchase. like to consult white papers and market research. Do you want to build a marketing strategy to attract the IT decisionmaker? Discover our Guide to Inbound Marketing for Innovative Companies! of IT decisionmakers like to consult the suppliers website.
This is ultimately quite low but this comes from the fact that the majority of BB companies Mexico Phone Number Data today are still content to put a showcase website online ! Your Marketing strategy must also be very visual to appeal to the IT decisionmaker who favors infographic, video and webinar type content. Who is the IT decisionmakers preferred contact for discussion? key contacts for the IT decision maker in the purchasing journey If you manage to attract the attention of the IT decision maker thanks to your Marketing strategy,
You will be able to obtain an appointment. Dont miss out and allow him to meet the right person. Only of IT decisionmakers enjoy talking with the Sales Director and with the Marketing Director. On the other hand, appreciate a meeting with the General Manager. But the important thing to remember here is that of IT decisionmakers appreciate talking to a Product Expert . As an innovative and technological company, your products are complex and the IT decision maker does not always easily understand their added value.