Working time models are as individual as the company and the employees who work there. They range from full-time to annual working hours to flexible working models that are individually designed for the company. But what exactly are the working time models and what are their advantages and disadvantages? You'll find out in this blog post.
Three people sitting at desks in front of laptops in blue clockin sweaters
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Why are there different working time models?
Employees come and go at different times, collaboration is hindered and company goals fall by the wayside - a nightmare scenario, isn't it? That's exactly why working time models exist. They provide security for both parties:
Employers know when their employees are present and can thus plan and organize work
Employees know their working hours and Cell Phone Number Database can coordinate their work and leisure time.
In the modern, complex job market, job requirements vary greatly. For example, a single father may want to start work a little later to take his child to kindergarten. A working student can only come to the office at certain times before or after his lectures. Working time models capture all of these needs and goals and put them into a plan that both sides are happy with and have certainty with.
In a company, there are often several working time models that exist side by side. But even if only one working model is used, you can quickly lose track of things if you have a lot of employees. Digital time recording will give you back the overview. You can find out whether your company is ready for this with our free checklist.
Download checklist now
What working time models are there?
If used successfully, working models can increase productivity and customer satisfaction , as well as make employers more attractive. After all, many flexible working models are designed to make it easier to combine family and work, and to ensure healthier working conditions and fair pay. In order for these benefits to come to fruition, employers must choose exactly the right working time model.
Advantages from an employer's perspective
Optimal accessibility for customers, as employees are always on site
extension of operating hours
Cost savings through intensive use of machines and equipment
Disadvantages from the employer's perspective
Low flexibility
Higher personnel costs due to surcharges for night and Sunday work
High health burden on employees
staggered working hours
Staggered working hours are a further development of the shift work working time model. It consists of work blocks that partially overlap at the beginning and end - a good compromise if one shift is too short but two are too many. This work model is particularly popular in the retail and service sectors, but also in logistics.